ニューワールドモール(New World Mall、ニューワールドデパート、New World Department Store)はタイ...

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ニューワールドモール(New World Mall) 画像

Jesse Rockwell, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>


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タイの廃墟 魚が泳ぐショッピングモール! new world mall( アジア ) - 洋楽の奇妙な和訳 - Yahoo!ブ...
カオサン通り側の廃墟になったニューワールドモールに水が溜まり魚が泳ぐ | タイランドビュー ~タイ、...
The New World Mall (with fish) - Dax Ward
newsabandoniamore workabout & presscontactfollowThe New World Mall (with fish)Photos & historical details of the mall when it was in operation: https://www.daxward.com/New-World-Mall-OLD-PhotosIn the heart of Bangkok's Bang Lam Phu district, there lies a grand edifice that once stood tall and proud, the New World Mall. Opened in 1983, this grand structure welcomed shoppers and merchants alike, its halls filled with the buzz of commerce. But alas, the mall's glory was short-lived, for it remained open for only 15 years before being forever sealed shut. The reasons for its demise are many, but chief among them were the fires that ravaged its halls, the collapse of its upper floors, and the unauthorized construction that had angered the locals. For the building had risen higher than the nearby Grand Palace, a forbidden act that earned the wrath of the gods and the people alike.And so th...e abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand THE ENTRANCEat the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand at the abandoned New World Mall, Bangkok, Thailand Powered by SmugMug Owner Log InPrivacy and Cookie PolicyYour privacy is your business, and our priority. For decades, SmugMug has put member privacy first. Please know that we do use cookies to deliver a world-class experience with optimal site functionality. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our use of cookies and our stewardship of your data.REJECTALLOW