レイクサイド・スピードウェイ(Lakeside Speedway)は、アメリカ合衆国コロラド州デンバーにあったサー...

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2020/09 ©Google


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This is What Colorado's Lakeside Race Track Looks Like Today
This is What Colorado's Lakeside Race Track Looks Like Today リンク切れの可能性があります
Does anyone remember the Lakeside Race Track? The track closed in 1988 when I was 6-years-old, but I do have some fond memories of going there with my dad and uncle when I was young.The 1/5 mile oval track was built in the 1930's and was in operation until 1988. An incident where a driver lost control, hitting a light that went into the grandstand ended up killing one person and injuring several others.Today, the race track remains are ruins of decades past. I occasionally drive by the old race track located on 44th Avenue just off of Sheridan only to remember the times that I was able to have with my family.
This Used to Be Denver - This Used to Be Lakeside Speedway - This Used to Be Lakeside Speedway
4601 Sheridan Blvd.Used to Be: Lakeside Speedway, a one-fifth-mile oval that operated on the grounds of the Lakeside Amusement Park from the late 1930s through 1988, when a deadly accident involving some of my best friends closed the speedway for good. A popular destination to watch stock, limited-modified and fully modified races. But on one tragic summer night in 1988, a driver lost control of his car and hit a light tree that flew into the grandstand, killing one, maiming a young girl and injuring several others. Before it was a Speedway, it was the Lakeside baseball diamond.Is: Now a constant, decaying reminder of that terrible night in 1988. The Speedway has gone virtually untouched - and untended - since. It’s an eyesore overrun by weeds and chipped paint. Word of the Speedway’s impending demolition has been consistent over the past three years, but owner Rhoda Krasner has yet to go through with it.Photo above: Google Maps