セント・カブリーニ修道院(St. Cabrini Novitiate)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州ドブス・フェリー...

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St. Cabrini Novitiate
St. Cabrini NovitiateFebruary 19. 2001    This small ruin, perched on a cliff behind the St. Cabrini Nursing Home in Dobbs Ferry, overlooks the broadest expanse of the Hudson River, where the Tappan Zee to the northwest stretches a good three miles.  If you ever poke your head up while taking the Hudson Line trains, you might catch a glimpse of it, just south of the Dobbs Ferry Station.    Not knowing a thing about it, I stopped into the Nursing Home and asked for help. A friendly receptionist didn't know a thing either, so she called an administrator while October the cat walked across the desk. October's drooping belly belied its agility, surprising me with a deft leap up from the floor.    After a few minutes, the receptionist got off the phone and gave me my history lesson for the day. The castle-like ruin was built in the early 1900s by St. Cabrini as part of its Novitiate, or training...e window and door treatments vary, from Romanesque arches to Gothic arches to a utilitarian-looking factory-style door. All the while I'm thinking this could be a great place for the residents to sit and have tea and look at the River, and it seemed someone else had the same idea also. Behind the receptionist’s desk, I noticed just when I asked her about "the castle-like thing," there on the wall was a painting of what it would look like in all its glory of a sunny winter afternoon. I was assuming they would surely want to restore it when I was told it will be torn down.February 19. 2001 Yaz’ Hudson Valley Ruins and Abandoned Buildings, etc.E-mail Rob YasinsacThis page copyright © 2000 by Robert J.Yasinsac. All rights reserved. These images are for private, non-commercial viewing purposes only and cannot be copied or reproduced without permission from Robert Yasinsac. Any other uses of these photographs without the permission of Robert Yasinsac are strictly forbidden