ワイルドマン鉱山(Wildman mine)またはゴールドベル鉱山(Gold Belle Mine)は、アメリカ合衆国オクラ...

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ワイルドマン鉱山(Wildman mine、オクラホマ州) 概要・歴史

ワイルドマン鉱山(Wildman mine、オクラホマ州) 画像

"Gold Belle Mine and Milling Co." flickr photo by programwitch https://flickr.com/photos/programwitch/4802751893 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license
ワイルドマン鉱山(Wildman mine、オクラホマ州)
"Gold Belle Mine and Milling Co." flickr photo by programwitch https://flickr.com/photos/programwitch/4803373060 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license


ワイルドマン鉱山(Wildman mine、オクラホマ州) ストリートビュー・空中写真

ワイルドマン鉱山(Wildman mine、オクラホマ州) 関連ブログ・参考リンク

Wildman - Ghost Town
WILDMANNAME: WildmanCOUNTY: KiowaROADS: 2WDGRID: 2CLIMATE: Mild winters Hot, humid SummersBEST TIME TO VISIT: Anytime., but is a haven for MOSQUITOS.COMMENTS: Off U.S.183 On the N.W. corner of Tom Steed Lake.South of Roosevelt Ok and North of Mountian Park,Ok. Can see it from the hi-way. Is by some train tracks and a boat ramp. THIS IS WAY COOL.From Mountain Park- Go N on US 183 to E1540 Rd turn L. over the RR Trax to the next R you can make. you can see it from hereREMAINS: Old Cyanide Mill and Gold Processing Plant. Can clime on the foundation and up the cooling tower, just dont fall in! P.O. MAY 3 1901- Nov 15 1904 Nevspaper- The Otter Creek Miner.Hard tough mining town back it the day. There is a rumor of a Boothill cemetary nearby,havent found it yet. Town started to fall in 1901 when the Feds opened up the Wichita Mtns to mineral mining.The Mine was built but never used. as a matter of fact in order to sell the mine and plant the owners used a 12 guage shotgun and some gold dust to pepper the mine. ;-) More info http://rebelcherokee.labdiva.com/kcgold.html with Pictures!! Submitted by: Glen ThompsonWildman MineCourtesy RaynWildman MineCourtesy Rayn BACKxx
Kiowa County Gold
Kiowa County ProspectorsIt is generally conceded by historians that gold legends of this county were responsible for the influx of herd-rock miners who moved into the Wichitas around Cold Springs and started the Wildman era of gold mining prior to the time this country was opened to settlement. Gold hunters sneaking into the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache lands kept the army from Fort Sill busy chasing them out again. But, the lure of wealth kept them coming.WILDMANBelieve it or not!! Part of the last great gold rush east of the Rocky Mountains happened right here in Kiowa County! One reason was the rumors that the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Lands held great mineral riches in the Wichita Mountains.Headlines in Oklahoma Territory newspapers screamed; "THERE'S GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS!" THE FUTURE MINERAL DISTRICT OF AMERICA", GOLD ASSAYS $360.00 PER TON AT WILDMAN", $2,000.00 A TON STRIKE AT MOUNTAIN PARK!" Over 5,000 miners ...of any gold or other precious mineral ever having been commercially processed and sold from Kiowa County. But the history of the men who tried to prove the mineral legends is known and recorded and who knows, they may have all missed the fabulous treasure of the Wichitas.Compiled, composed from various sources, including the Kiowa County History book by Ethel TaylorWeb Page by Rebel Cherokee DesignsUpdated October 25, 2003Copyright, 2000-2003Background & Gif Courtesy Pat CaltonThis information compiled, prepared and submitted to this site by Ethel Taylorand remains the property of the submitterNOTICE: Ethel Taylor grants that this information and data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, for personal and genealogical research. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit, can not be copied over to other sites, linked to, or other presentation without written permission of Ethel Taylor.