ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse)はカナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州ポート・レ...

ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse) お気に入りに追加

名称 ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse)
住所 カナダ ブリティッシュコロンビア州 ポート・レンフルー
種類 廃工場・発電所
★★★★ 28
現況 現存
評価 ■■■

ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse) 概要・歴史


ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse)はカナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州ポート・レンフルー(Port Renfrew)にあった発電所。





ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse) 画像

ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse)(2010年6月)
ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse)(2010年6月)
Kiwibirdman, CC BY 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0>
ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse)
Kiwibirdman, CC BY 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0>


ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse) ストリートビュー・空中写真

ジョーダン・リバー発電所(Jordan River Powerhouse) 関連ブログ・参考リンク

Abandoned Jordan River Power Station - Urbex Photography Exploration
As we made our way up the weathered path we heard twigs crack off in the brush, making us both stop dead in our tracks and look at each other silently.  With such a warm and dry summer, bears and cougars had been reported in the area, often making their way down from the mountains towards communities where food and water can be more readily found.  There is no cell service out here, and if something were to happen who knows how long it would be before we were found.  But, the sense of adventure and the yearning to see if we could actually find the abandoned Jordan River Power Station we had heard so much about kept us moving forward.  Even the intense feeling of trepidation wasn’t enough to make us turn around.The trees and brush are very thick through here, and as we turned a corner on the path we came across the monolithic remains of the power station, now long forgotten and unused, save for the myriad graffiti artists who come here to color the walls in large pictures often depicting personal political manifestos or mourning the loss of a fellow artist and adventurer.  The life of a graffiti artist in a derelict facility like this is a dangerous undertaking, and according to some of the notes left on the walls it would seem that sometimes it is even deadly.