アメリカ合衆国コネチカット州ミルフォード(Milford)の廃倉庫。「エアロゾル技術工場」(Aerosol Tech...


ミルフォードの廃倉庫 概要・歴史

アメリカ合衆国コネチカット州ミルフォード(Milford)の廃倉庫。「エアロゾル技術工場」(Aerosol Tech...

ミルフォードの廃倉庫 画像

©Google ©David Bell


ミルフォードの廃倉庫 ストリートビュー・空中写真

ミルフォードの廃倉庫 関連ブログ・参考リンク

HIDDEN BEHIND A DENSE TREELINE that divides the Hilton Hotel and Lowe’s Department Store, resides a 176,000 square foot abandoned aerosol factory. Abandoned since the mid-1990s, the factory has been empty for over 20 years. Erected in the late 1960s, Aerosol Techniques made aerosol products and plastic bottles.
Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the heroes. It’s been a long and busy winter, but we’ve returned from our annual slumber. And to be perfectly honest, we considered taking this whole year off from exploring. We’re getting older. Things keep getting crazier. And the world continues to grow smaller every day. We’re also really running out of places to explore. Plus, you know, gas prices. So we decided to just enjoy our break, and see how we felt when the seasons changed. It was nice to take a breather, but the call of adventure and the need to create was eventually too much. This site has, is, and always will be our creative outlet. We love writing. We love taking photographs. And we love interacting with all of you. Art is funny that way. It’s interesting. When you look at people all over the world who don’t have to be worry about going to work everyday, art is the thing that most end up pursuing. No matter the kind. Creative expression is something that just calls out to all of us. And it can come in so many different shapes, sizes, and forms. And there is no better example of that than places like our first subject of the year.